About Our SchoolRātā Street School is a large state primary contributing school, catering for Year 1 (New Entrants) to Year 6 pupils. It is co-educational and has a pupil age range of 5 -11 years. We are a multicultural school with the current composition being: NZ Maori 41%, NZ European/Pākehā 23%, Pacific 26%, Asian 4% and Other 6%.
School History: The school opened in 1950 and was built on a single cell model. A three classroom block was added in the mid 1990’s, and another three classrooms added in 2008 and 2009. There have been refurbishments to many areas of the school. These have included staff and student toilets, the ‘linkway’, the hall, our administration block, staffroom, and a classroom block. The next phase of the refurbishment programme will be to continue the classroom refurbishment. Our facilities now include a central resource and teachers work room, library, art room, school hall, three adventure playgrounds, outdoor hard court area for netball and PE/sport, PE storeroom, caretaker’s room, boiler room, administration block, teachers’ aide rooms, medical room and a staff room.
What our School is About: We want every student to be the best they can - in every area. We believe that learning together, with and from each other, is a critical part of becoming our best selves.
We are committed to:
Learning and Support: T he school has a core focus on student achievement in Literacy and Numeracy. To complement these programmes, there are strong cultural, arts, and sport programmes. The school uses its cultural and arts programmes to celebrate its cultural diversity. A Cultural Club is a feature of our cultural programme, and songs and dance of Māori, Samoan and other Pacific cultures are experienced by the students.
Delivery of student support programmes is also a strength. Students needing extra help or extension because they have a special talent are catered for. Support programmes include English as a Second Language (ESOL), and MindPlus (gifted programme). As well, there is teacher and teacher-aide support across the school. To complement school programmes and to address wider community issues, Rātā Street School has
Outside agencies involved with Rata Street School include:
High Expectations: Throughout the school there is an ethos of high expectations - in both achievement and behaviour. Annual achievement targets are set and the results reported to the Board of Trustees. Achievement data shows a steady improvement by pupils in Literacy and Numeracy. Professional development initiatives are aimed at improving achievement for these students.
School Development Themes: There are several school development themes – the core areas are Literacy and Numeracy
Literacy and Numeracy:
The schools focus is on effective teaching practice - with specific attention to the specific learning needs of priority learners. The overall aim is to raise achievement levels of all students. For priority learners this means accelerating their achievement through effective targeted teaching practice. We are constantly looking at how we can do this better. This involves asking the students themselves, and their parents how they learn best. Where you can go for independent information about our school?
Like any service, one of your best sources of information is from other parents - talk to present parents The Education Review Office are an independent review organisation. Their reports on our school are available online www.ero.govt.nz You are welcome to visit and be shown around the school. |