This is where you will find answers to commonly asked questions.
Bicycles and Scooters We are fortunate enough to have a bike track at our school. Students are allowed to use the bikes, and helmets on designated lunchtimes. If your child is riding their bike or scooter to school, it is required by law that they wear a helmet. Once at school bikes and scooters need to be stored in one of the allocated scooter or bike racks.
Cell Phones We do not permit students to have mobile phones on them or in their bags at school. However, we understand that some students may need a phone for after school for various reasons. Therefore if your child needs to bring a phone to school they will be expected to hand in their phone to be stored in the school office during school hours.
Communication The greater the partnership and communication between parents and school the greater the probability that your child will be successful. Should you have a concern, your first approach should always be to the classroom teacher. Teachers are generally available before and after school, although because of meetings, appointments are preferred. Please do not expect to talk to the teacher during class time and immediately before school starts. You may also request a meeting with the Whānau Leader or The Principal should you need one. If you have any concerns, please contact us immediately.
Dental Therapist All students who are new enrolments will have their teeth checked by a Bee Healthy Dental Therapist. Other students at the school will also have the opportunity to have their teeth checked when the therapists are on site, which for 2025 is in Term 1. For emergency treatment please phone 0800 825 583.
Fruit in Schools Rātā Street School is part of an exciting programme called Fruit in Schools. As part of the programme each of our students will receive one piece of fresh fruit (or on occasion, a vegetable) FREE each day. All children will receive the fruit unless you advise us otherwise in writing. Being part of the Fruit in Schools programme means that we will be focusing on four health-related areas over the next few years. These areas are physical activity, healthy eating, being sun smart and smoke free.
Health Nurse The Public Health Nurse is available to see your child with health concerns at your request either by phoning 04 587 2633 or by visiting her Health Clinic which is run at our school every Tuesday morning.
Houses Rātā Street School has four 'houses' - Rimu (orange), Kōwhai (yellow), Manuka (green) and Punga (purple). When your child arrives at our school they will be put into one of the four houses. If your child already has a sibling at Rātā Street they will be put into the same house. Through the year we have house competitions and activities where students across the school can work together and encourage each other.
Lateness A child needs to be at school 5 minutes before the bell to unpack and prepare for school. A late child disrupts the learning of all others in the class. We want the students forming good habits early in their schooling, and you can help by having them here on time.
Leaving During School Hours If your child needs to leave the school grounds during school hours they must be signed out at the school office by an adult. Please do not take your child off site without letting the office know.
Lunches Rātā Street School is part of the Healthy School Lunches programme. This means that all tamariki receive a FREE school lunch every day. Delicious lunches are provided by Pita Pit Lower Hutt. All dietary requirements are able to be met, so please let your class teacher know of these.
Lost Property Please ensure that your child’s clothes, bags, lunch boxes and drink bottles are clearly named. A box of lost property is kept in the corridor. This is emptied each term.
Medication If your child requires medication at school, come in and see the office. You will need to sign a form allowing us to give the required dose. For antibiotics required three times a day we do suggest doses before school, after school and at bedtime, which eliminates the need for doses at school. Money All money sent to school should be in an envelope or wrapped with the child’s name and room number on it.
Office Hours The school office is open from 8.30am - 3.30pm daily. You can contact office staff on phone 567 0096 or email [email protected]
OSCAR Programme Rātā Street School has a wonderful OSCAR (out of school care and recreation) programme, run by Julie Ross. Our OSCAR programme is Oranga Tamariki, MSD and OSCAR approved. Working for Families subsidies are available. The programme runs from 6.30am - 8.30am and then again after school from 3.00pm until 6.00pm. Breakfast and afternoon tea are provided for all tamariki. There is also a wonderful holiday programme that runs from 6.30am until 6.00pm. Julie can be contacted on 021 054 6525.
Pānui/Newsletters School newsletters are published fortnightly and will be emailed to you. If you require a paper copy, please let the office know. Whānau newsletters come out once a term, and are a celebration of the wonderful things that are happening in each whānau.
Parent Help There are many ways in which parents can help in a school. Everyone who contributes to the school makes it a richer place for all our children. Please talk to the teacher or office about ways you could help out.
Purchase of Stationery Most stationery required is listed on the Class Stationery Lists that can be found on the Stationery page in this website. Stationery can be purchased from the office between the hours of 8.50am - 9.30am.
Road Patrol It is important that all tamariki and whānau use the crossing where School Road Patrollers are, and it’s even more important that they abide by the instructions of the School Patrollers. Patrollers are on duty on Rātā Street and Naenae Road from 8.30am – 8.55am and 3.00pm - 3.15pm, daily. We are always after parent and whānau help supervising Road Patrol. If you are able to help out with this, please contact Hamish Regan. Record Update It is extremely important that we are able to contact whānau. If you change your address or phone number at home or work, please let the office know.
Reporting to Parents
In Term 1 parents have the first formal opportunity to meet with the teacher. The purpose of this meeting is to ensure early contact between you both, for you to share information about your child, and for you to discuss and set some achievement goals for the first half of the year.
At mid-year there is an oral reporting time when your child and the teachers will report on progress so far.
Written reports are sent out in the last week of Term 4.
Parents and children are expected to attend interviews.
School Times 8.30am Road Patrollers on and school doors open
8.50 - 10.10 Session 1
10.10 - 10.35 Morning Tea
10.35 - 11.40 Session 2
11.40 - 11.50 Fruit Break
11.50 - 12.50 Session 3
12.50 - 1.35 Lunch
1.35 - 3.00 Session 4
Seesaw The app 'Seesaw' will be used in all classrooms to share learning and communicate between school and home. 'Seesaw' is a platform used by students and teachers, sharing the outstanding learning that is taking place within the classroom. Your child's teacher will have sent home an information newsletter to inform you of how to sign up. If you did not receive this, need support or don't have access to the internet, feel free to pop into your child's class and their teacher can assist you where needed.
Sport and PE The students at Rātā Street School are fortunate to be provided with a wide range of sport and PE lessons throughout the year, including; swimming, basketball, cricket, and badminton. We also enter a number of different sports teams into local competitions. If you want to know more information about sports being offered at Rāta Street School, or are keen to be involved, please contact Eddie Forster.
Sun Safety Procedure We have a Shady School Procedure that encourages pupils to wear clothing that protects skin from the sun. Please ensure your child has a suitable hat and sunscreen in summer months. We have school sun hats for children that need them. Please let us know if your child is allergic to sunscreen.
Technology At Rātā Street School we recognise the importance of incorporating digital technology into our learning in order to give our tamariki the skills and strategies to achieve success in the modern digital world. In Te Whānau Kākano and Te Whānau Pihinga we use iPads to support our learning and in Te Whānau Puāwai tamariki use chrome books. We believe in supporting safe and responsible use of the internet in our teaching and learning at Rātā Street School. An important part of this is that we are able to show others what responsible use looks like while we are using technology in our learning. We ask all staff and students to commit to using the internet and associated technologies in a safe and responsible manner by reading and accepting the Rātā Street School Cyber Safety Agreement.
Tuakana/Teina At Rātā Street School we value developing relationships across the school. With this in mind, each class has a tuakana/teina buddy class. These two classes meet regularly to do fun activities together that give the students the opportunity to learn from each other.
Valuable Personal Equipment Please do not allow your child to bring treasured articles to school. Teachers will not take responsibility for such items.
Values The Values of our school underpin what we believe are important to everyone at Rātā Street School. They are the vehicle that helps us deliver the National Curriculum. They are not separate or stand alone and therefore cannot be taught in isolation.
At Rātā Street School we show Whakaute - Respect. Whakaute is about being considerate and valuing others. It is understanding other people’s ideas and opinions and caring about what is around us.
At Rātā Street School we are Pakari - Resilient. Pakari is continuing to try hard no matter how difficult or challenging the situation.
At Rātā Street School we are Whakauru - Inclusive. Whakauru is valuing the abilities, languages, identities and talents of each individual.
At Rātā Street School we have Aroha - Heart. Aroha means to care for others.
At Rātā Street school we use Mahi tahi - Teamwork. Mahi tahi means working together and co-operating with others to achieve goals