Achievement Targets and Strategic Plan/Annual Plan 2024The biggest challenge for the New Zealand education system is the persistent disparities in achievement. Setting effective targets and creating the conditions in which all students can excel will reduce these disparities. When this happens, the focus is on the students with leaders and teachers adapting their practice to realise their students’ potential. Setting the target and then taking effective action requires good information, scrutiny, perseverance and an approach in which all parties - leaders, teachers, trustees, parents and whānau, and students - are active and committed. Underpinning this is an ongoing cycle of evaluation - schools scrutinise data, identify the target, take action, monitor the impact and make any necessary changes. Our target is Students identified as at risk of underachieving will make accelerated progress towards achieving their Curriculum Expectation level. This target aims to reduce any disparity in achievement between Māori students and highest achieving other ethnicity. Please see the files below for our 2024 Strategic Plan/Annual Plan. |